The solution against money laundering and narcoterrorism. Nebulosa analyzes information and based on dictionaries, client list, and cognitive computing determines if it is a potential case of money laundering or narcoterrorism, giving it a rating based on business formulas.


Nebulosa is an analysis tool with cognitive technology that is based on information loaded automatically and manually:

-Periodically and automatically extracts information from sources such as news, social media, or internal information previously established by the institution.

-It allows loading national and international black lists, as well as alerts from other organizations as a source of information. Within this load you can see lists of employees or clients of the institution

-It has the functionality to perform searches on Google according to the names that the user enters for review, as well as the key words that have been previously stored in the system, related to the topics. on interest that are being evaluated.

-It is feasible to manually enter the URL for a cognitive analysis in the system using the list of suspects and entities.

Nebulosa analyzes the information and based on dictionaries, database and cognitive computing determines if it is a possible case of money laundering and narcoterrorism, giving them a rating based on business formulas.

Nebulosa presents the information to the analyst of money laundering and narcoterrorism in a classified list and ordered by relevance, where the news are detailed, the entities (people or companies) that it detected and the issues related to money laundering and narcoterrorism they found. You can analyze the data in detail, create suspects with their name or nickname, as well as have a view of relationships between entities from different sources of information over a period of time.

If Nebulosa detects entities defined as company´s customers, it automatically shows suspicious alerts. This solution can be integrated into the company's transactional systems to receive alerts or generate them based on defined patterns.

It also allows the creation of a case and follow-up on the Nebulosa platform, or be integrated into the company's CRM or ERP to perform defined actions. We can adapt Nebulosa to your company´s needs and integrate it into your own data sources, as well as Legacy systems used by your business. Contact us, we can make your business grow up and expand your knowledge base for decision making.


Crux Consultores is a team committed to generating quality services related to information technologies, applying the best practices of the market, and according to the needs of our customers.